On about the 15th of each month, the ThinkLiveBe team gets the stats for the previous month. We analyze that data to see how it compares to the previous year and share what’s going on in the market and what to expect. For an update, read more below or watch the video:

There’s a few new things to discuss this month!

  1. Interest rates are the lowest they’ve been in 2 years. That’s great news for anyone who has been on the fence. We do expect them to come down a little more this year which will continue to bring new buyers into the market as things become more affordable.
  2. The number of homes for sale is up since last year and the highest number we have seen in almost 10 years.
  3. Comparing supply to demand we have about 4.34 months of available inventory which is considered a “balanced market”.
  4. Despite rates and slightly lower sales this year the prices have still gone up 2.53% since this time last year.

If you are thinking of buying a home you have more options than you have had in almost a decade AND rates are the lowest they have been in 2 years.

As a homeowner thinking of selling, the good news is that prices remain strong. You cannot just expect miracles though. Realistic pricing and your home will sell in a reasonable time and for top dollar.

Every location and situation is unique, Contact us today or Give us a call at 407-982-7240 and we’ll walk you through the best scenario for you!

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