On the 15th of each month, the ThinkLiveBe team gets the stats for the previous month. We analyze that data to see how it compares to the previous year and share what’s going on in the market and what to expect. For an update, read more below or Watch the Video

We’re down slightly in the number of home sales compared to this time last year; we had 2759 homes sell this year, and we had about 3800 sell in April of last year. That’s a pretty big drop, but we can understand why – the higher interest rates. Some buyers are simply priced out of the market right now.

We’re headed into our summer selling season, so over the next few months we’ll see the number of sales increasing because that’s the seasonal real estate cycle in Orlando. Despite higher interest rates, the median sales price is up overall, about 5% from last year, and there is a lot of demand right now in the Orlando Metro area.

There’s more listings than last year – almost double! That also means there’s more options. Buyers, if you’ve been sitting on the fence because you couldn’t find what you wanted, you’ll have better luck right now. This being said, when comparing demand and listings, you’re looking at about 3.4 months of inventory available, so that’s still considered a strong market.

Sales prices should continue to remain strong over the summer months, possibly increasing. As far as rates go, we just never know. Buyers, however, can negotiate these things with sellers more today versus in the past; such as credits toward buy downs and credits toward closing costs. Things to help it become more advantageous to buy.

If you’ve been thinking of selling, prices are great! What are you waiting for? If you’ve been thinking of buying, just know that there are more options to choose from than there has been in many years!

As always, we realize everyone’s situation is unique. We encourage you to give us a call at 407-982-7240 and we’ll strategize the best way to accomplish your goals!

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